Bluey follows the adventures of a lovable and inexhaustible Blue Heeler puppy who lives with her dad, mum and little sister, Bingo.
On iPlayer
Play Socks Jigsaw Puzzles
- Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 0
Play Muffin Jigsaw Puzzles
- Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 0
Can you find the Long Dog?
- Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 15
Bingo's I Spy checklist for your long journe...
- Number of loves 39
Bluey's games to play on a long journey
- Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 26
Match the pairs with Bluey and Bingo
- Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 15
Bandit's coolest dad moments
- Number of loves 155
Make a Bluey Father’s Day pop-up card
- Number of loves 1758
Bluey: Who Said It?
- Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 121
Bluey memory matching game print out
- Number of loves 275
Play Bingo's Jigsaws
- Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 79
Bluey and Bingo Siblings Day quiz
- Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 78
11 fun game ideas to play with the kids insp...
- Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 312
Bluey: Fancy Grannies craft activity
- Number of loves 193
Play charades with Bluey and Bingo
- Number of loves 85
- Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 158
Bluey's Easter spot the difference quiz
- Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 190
Bluey Jigsaw
- Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 212
Clips from Bluey Series 3
- Number of loves 164
Watch Bluey series 3 on iPlayer
- Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 307
Bluey phone wallpapers: Dress up
- Number of loves 495
Rusty and Jack colouring sheet
- Number of loves 208
Play Bluey: Three in a row quiz
- Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 485
Bluey at the beach jigsaw
- Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 100
Spot the beach differences with Bluey
- Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 258
Bluey sticker puzzle
- Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 165
Colouring sheets of Bluey's friends
- Number of loves 348
Bluey wallpapers for your phone
- Number of loves 221
Summertime colouring sheets from Bluey
- Number of loves 251
Bluey party: Printable party bags
- Number of loves 173
Bluey party: Bunting decorations
- Number of loves 68
Bluey party: Printable invitations
- Number of loves 94
Bluey party: Cupcake topper decorations
- Number of loves 308
Bluey Theme Song
- Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 556
Bluey dance freeze game with Evie
- Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 359
Best of Bluey Series 2
- Number of loves 139
Bluey Activity Sheets
- Number of loves 385
Make a Bluey hug card
- Number of loves 473
How to make a Bluey photo string
- Number of loves 297
Bluey and Bingo dress up costume
- Number of loves 1074
Bluey and friends colouring sheets
- Number of loves 881
Learn how to draw Bluey
- Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 324
Bluey family puppet song
- Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 112
Grown-ups’ Craft
Learn how to make a cute pom pom
- Number of loves 521
Make a Bluey Memory Book
- Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 376
Best of Bluey Series 1
- Number of loves 291
How to make your own Bluey and Bingo
- Number of loves 885
Learn to draw Bluey and her family
- Number of loves 1477
Bluey Superfan Quiz
- Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 728
Camping Adventure Activity Book
- Number of loves 677
Play Snap with Bluey
- Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 1799
Make a Bluey Sock Puppet
- Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 29
Working from home
- Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 2103
Bluey Colouring Sheets
- Number of loves 5937
Calling Nana
- Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 1995
Which Bluey character are you?
- Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 4537
Can I ask you a question?
- Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 2969
Get to know Bluey and friends
- Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 1283
Bluey Spot the Difference Quiz
- Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 2282
Bluey Jigsaw
- Number of Loves, LOLs and other reactions 1158